
Afsaneh Ghanavati received her B.S. in electrical engineering from Shiraz University, Iran in 1998. She received her M.S. and Ph.D. in electrical engineering as well, from Northeastern University, Boston, MA in 2012 and 2018 respectively. She is currently an associate professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Programs (ECE) at the School of Engineering at Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston, MA. Additionally, she is the recipient of the Douglas D. Schumann Professorship, one of the highest honors bestowed on Wentworth faculty. The endowed professorship is from March 2024 to December 2026.
She has been a member of the Eta Kappa Nu Engineering Honor Society, IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES), IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES), and the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE).
Research Interests
Power Systems, Signal Processing, Dynamic Phasors, Dynamic Power Decomposition, Power Quality, Microgrid, Entrepreneurial Mindset
Graduate Students
Christopher J. Sweeny, M.S., graduated in August 2022.
- Thesis Title: “Reducing Peak Demand in an Urban University Campus by Applying Grid Control Methods to Address Distributed Energy Resources”. [Link].
- Thesis Title: “Reducing Peak Demand in an Urban University Campus by Applying Grid Control Methods to Address Distributed Energy Resources”. [Link].
Christopher R. Men, M.S., graduated in August 2023.
- Thesis Title: “Definition of Voltage RMS Under Transient and Non-Sinusoidal Operation and its Effects in Industrial Control Measures”. [Link].
- Thesis Title: “Definition of Voltage RMS Under Transient and Non-Sinusoidal Operation and its Effects in Industrial Control Measures”. [Link].
Sam Baliki, M.S. in Electrical Engineering, graduated in December 2024.
- Thesis Title: “Application of Dynamic Power Symmetrical Sequence Decomposition for Synthetic and Empirical Disturbance Analysis”. [Link].
- Thesis Title: “Application of Dynamic Power Symmetrical Sequence Decomposition for Synthetic and Empirical Disturbance Analysis”. [Link].
Selected Journal Papers
A. Ghanavati, M. Rawlins, D. Dow, C. Sweeny, J. Smith, “Interpretation of the Power Consumption Characterization of an Urban University Campus toward Power System Planning,” MDPI Sustainability, Special Issue Enhancement of Reliability and Sustainability in Electric Power Systems, 15(20), 14835; 2023. [Link].
A. Ghanavati, H. Lev-Ari, and A.M. Stanković, “An Efficient Sub-Cycle Alternative to Instantaneous Power Metrics,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 776-785, Feb. 2022. [Link].
A. Ghanavati, H. Lev-Ari, and A.M. Stanković, “Sub-Cycle Dynamic Phasors with Adjustable Transient Response,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 1886-1894, August 2020. [Link].
A. Ghanavati, H. Lev-Ari, and A.M. Stanković, “A Sub-Cycle Approach to Dynamic Phasors with Application to Dynamic Power Quality Metrics,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 2217-2225, October 2018. [Link].
Selected Conference Papers
C. R. Men, D. E. Dow, U. Zia and A. Ghanavati, “Effects of the Window Size Variation in the RMS Voltage and Industrial Control Measures,” 2024 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT), Washington, DC, USA, 2024, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ISGT59692.2024.10454192. [Link].
D. O. Williams, S. Li, A. Ghanavati, “Mitigating Electrical Losses Through a Programmable Smart Energy Advanced Metering Infrastructure System,” IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management (ICPHM), Montreal, QC, Canada, 2023, pp. 153-157. [Link].
C.R. Men, D.E. Dow, A. Ghanavati, “Study of the Bus Voltage Magnitude to Monitor Power Quality in the Distribution System,” Annual IEEE Canada Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC), Virtual Conference, December 5 – 7, 2022. [Link].
C.J. Sweeny, J.R. Smith, A. Ghanavati, J.R. McCusker, “Using Machine Learning Methods Towards Identifying College Campus Load Profiles and Energy Storage Application for Reducing Peak Energy Demand from the Utility Grid,” Proceedings of the ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Volume 6: Energy. Columbus, Ohio, USA. October 30–November 3, 2022. [Link].
J.R. McCusker, C.J. Brigham, A. Ghanavati, “Data and Stakeholder Driven Redesign of a First-Year Engineering Curriculum,” Annual Conference, First Year Engineering Experience, ASEE (FYEE, ASEE), Michigan State University, July 31 – August 2, 2022. [Link].
B. Hong, A. Ghanavati, “The Virtual Laboratory: A Natural Vehicle for Simulation in Engineering Education,” Annual Conference, ASEE Northeast Section (ASEE-NE), Wentworth Institute of Technology, April 22–23, 2022 (Best Professional Paper Runner Up). [Link].
D.E. Dow, S.P. Prendergast, P.W. Collins, A. Haider, A. Ghanavati, “Sources of Electric Power to Meet Demand and Reduce Carbon Footprint at an Urban University Campus,” International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET), Virtual Conference, December 2021. [Link].
K. Shraiberg, J. Caron, G. Haddad, W. McLellan, A. Ghanavati, D. E. Dow, “Audio Recording Device for Partial Discharge from Overhead Power Lines,” International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET), Virtual Conference, December 2021. [Link].
A. Ghanavati, S.G. Bannish, D.E. Dow, “Study of Partial Discharge Audio Recordings Towards Identifying Features for Classification,” Annual IEEE Canada Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC), Virtual Conference, October 2021. [Link].
S. Othman, M. Rawlins, A. Ghanavati, “Real-Time Smart Feedback System for Effective Course Evaluation,” Annual Conference ASEE Northeast Section (ASEE-NE), October 2021.
A. Ghanavati, D.E. Dow, R. Frattura, M.E. Ragnarsdottir. “Integrating Lean Thinking into Design Thinking with First-Year Engineering Design Course,” Annual Conference ASEE Northeast Section (ASEE-NE), October 2020. [Link].
K. Shraiberg, Z. Hoagland, M. Vartanian, B. Rosenberger, D.E. Dow, A. Ghanavati, “Partial Discharge Detection by Classification of Tesla-Coil Music,” Annual MIT IEEE Undergraduate Research Technology Conference (URTC), October 2020. [Link].
H. Lev-Ari, A.M. Stanković, and A. Ghanavati, “Dynamic Decomposition of Apparent Power in Polyphase Unbalanced Networks with Application to Transients in an Industrial Load,” 40th North American Power Symposium (NAPS), Calgary, Canada, Sept. 2008. [Link].
Email: ghanavatia@wit.edu
Office: 204 DOBBS Hall, Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston, MA